Thursday, July 7, 2011

Internet 2.0 Technology in the Classroom: a Retrospection

I have never considered myself to be proficient in all the uses of Internet resources, other than browsing or networking via facebook. In fact, while I've been aware that there is a plethora of utilities out there, I've felt as though the world of Internet 2.0 was passing me by. After taking this class, however, I feel as though I'm prepared to catch up. More importantly, the exposure to instructional technology has opened up some avenues for exploration in the classroom, and enhancement of student learning. I feel as though I would failing in my responsibility to help students develop the skills necessary to be productive citizens in the 21st century if I were to not integrate this technology into my teaching. The tools will only continue to evolve as we progress toward an Internet 3.0 world, and I want to ensure that my students never feel as though the technology is passing them by as well.

I don't anticipate using all of the tools we've explored, but that may simply be because I have yet to really delve deeply into some of them. Wikis are fantastic, and I can't see teaching a class without one. Google Docs is another instrument that will most likely prove to be invaluable. Because I know I will learn from my students, I would like to have them utilize some of the tools as well, such as creating a video in iMovie or Animoto for a project or working on an Internet Workshop. I may be able to introduce the tools to them, but they will undoubtedly create things that I would never have thought of.

My comfort level with using instructional technology varies. I feel as though I have a pretty firm grasp on wikis and Google docs, but will need to become more familiar with them. One piece of technology that I wish I could have had more exposure to in class in the use of a SMART Board. Regardless, I feel that I am much more prepared to promote collaboration, exploration, creativity, and critical thinking in my classroom.

photo from:
Sandoval, L. (2010). tereas de liliana. La web 2 y el internet 2. Retrieved from

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